Growing up, the majority of my activity occurred while playing sports. I was an active child and was never concerned about my health. I ate what I wanted with no concern about how it may affect me.
I still view myself as an active athlete to this day, although I’m not currently playing on any teams. This is how I was brought up. As someone who played sports I never had to worry about a structured activity schedule. I had “good genes” and was thin, health was never on my radar.
When I left home for University, following a scholarship, I again was submerged in the athlete lifestyle. I had gained 20lbs in muscle. I was content with myself, even though my clothes weren’t fitting like they used to, I still felt comfortable knowing that it was added strength.
In December I had decided that I wasn’t meant to be that far from home. I’d be amiss if I didn’t mention having a boyfriend back home wasn’t also a contributing factor to this decision. I moved back home and continued with school, but no longer was playing any sports in the same competitive fashion.
It only took a few months and I had gained more weight, but not in the good way. Still eating the same way I had always done, which was whatever I wanted, and worse now that I was buying my own groceries. I remember eating Ichiban noodles, potatoes that came from a box in the rice isle, pizza and Hot Tamales, not one natural thing.
I had never had a stable workout plan before and had no idea what I was doing, even though I felt like I should, because after all, I was an athlete, some would think I belonged in the gym.
Turns out, doing sporadic 80 minute elliptical sessions, will not get you the results like one would think!
Fast forward through hundreds of hours of working out, an over haul of how I eat, a roller coaster of confidence levels, 2 certifications, and 10 years, I finally have the tip of the iceberg figured out. It all boils down to this; it’s not easy, but it is simple.
I am thankful for my athletic background, because through sports I learned what it means to fight for something. How it feels to want something so bad that you’ll want do whatever it takes to succeed. This is how I felt about my weight. One day a switch flicked on in my brain and I was no longer going to let my excuses be bigger than my progress.
Everyone is tired, everyone is busy, everyone has tough times, do not think you are alone in these issues. Don’t let this be your crutch and the reason that shit doesn’t get done.
I lost weight because I wanted to be my regular thin self again (remind me again how “good genes” work, because at 180lbs I wasn’t feeling like I had the “good genes” anymore) but I believe I have kept it off because my reasons have changed. It’s no longer about the number on the scale or being skinny. I want to be strong, I want to be a mom that my kids remember as someone who was an active part of their childhood, I want to be a grandparent and great grandparent. I don’t want to worry about heart disease in my 50’s.
I have discovered that when I find something that works for me, I want everyone else to share in the same successes. This was the birth of the idea of Rural Fitness.
I have also found out, that I can’t want something for someone else, if they themselves don’t want it. Through Rural Fitness I hope to share ideas and valuable information, so that you can find out how exercise will be a benefit in your life as someone apart of the rural community and how you can see the value in an active lifestyle.
In the next blog post I will go further how I think Rural Fitness can help the rural community and why I think it’s so important to start a movement of support for the people in agriculture.